We’re glad you’re here!

No matter who you are or where you’re from you have a place in our caring Christian community.

Our goal is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

You may be new to the Christian faith or looking for a new faith home. You may have questions, evens doubts.  That’s why our church is here — to know our Saviour and make Him known to those around us.

Our Sunday worship is in East York, Toronto at 2 p.m. When you visit the first few times a member of our church will explain how the service is conducted and make you feel at home.

After Sunday worship we gather for fellowship time and then have Bible studies on topical issues and the foundations of the Christian faith.  Mid-week studies explore the Bible which we believe is the true, inspired Word of God.

We also have a mission outreach in the Toronto downtown core.

Feel free to call or e-mail Pastor Tom Steers if you have questions or if there’s some way we can be of help.

We look forward to seeing you soon!